Show HN: – Look at Posters
postthebills.comHello HN!
I made this site that allows you to contribute and see posters (bills) around San Francisco. I tried building it in a way where contribution can be done without me needing the host a web server, and just host this on a free static site service (cloudflare pages).
Why I made it? I think it's pretty cool to preserve things online, and since it's on github it can be easily cloned and rehosted and rebuilt for other cities in the world too.
So to contribute to this specific site, you can just visit, and use a github personal access token for this repository:, you can save the token with localstorage on your phone, then when walking around the city, take pics with the HTML image picker, and it'll automatically make a pull request for you for that repository. When it's approved, it kicks off a build job that adds a new static file photo.
I personally take photos of interesting/unique posters when I go on walks around the city.