bodegajed 21 hours ago

I remember in history class, at this period humans are merely discovering stone tools and discovery of fire. Yet here, researchers presented evidence of tools from boat-makers and other technology where humans navigate on deep waters? this is crazy!

  • gus_massa 16 hours ago

    This article is about 40,000 years ago.

    Fire was controled like 1,000,000 years ago by Homo erectus and stone tools like 3,000,000 years ago by Australopithecus afarensis.

    • bodegajed 14 hours ago

      you are right, I misremembered and did not paid attention in class that much.

zozbot234 21 hours ago

Yet more evidence that Graham Hancock is right - even as far back as 10,000 years ago, humans had the technology to be a seafaring civilization with potentially a world-wide span. Could this advanced technology be the product of the ancient Lemuria civilization that was submerged when the sea-level rose after the end of the Ice Age, and is talked about in the oral tradition of South-East Asian peoples?

  • idontwantthis 19 hours ago

    > Could this advanced technology be the product of the ancient Lemuria civilization that was submerged when the sea-level rose after the end of the Ice Age?


  • rrr_oh_man 19 hours ago

    Thanks for that Lemuria rabbit hole!

EdwardDiego 20 hours ago

The people who left Sunda and crossed the Weber line to settle Sahul 50 - 60,000 years ago had to traverse about 90km of deep ocean to do so.

"Passively floating on a raft" for 90km was never really plausible.

  • rrr_oh_man 19 hours ago

    Deep ocean today or 50kya?

blindriver 21 hours ago

Graham Hancock and his theory on advanced civilizations before a cataclysm feels like it's getting more and more traction given evidence like this. The previous theories of civilization starting 6000 years ago in Mesopotamia seems like it's wrong, given how hard it is to prove strong evidence like this article and other sites like Gobleki Tepe, which is 12,000+ years old.