Ask HN: Have you written or consumed OpenAPI Arazzo specification?
Hi HN,
I recently came across the Arazzo specification within the OpenAPI initiative. It defines a standard to express workflows involving multiple APIs. A couple of main use cases here are automatic API invocation with LLMs and automated tests.
I want to auto generate API tests based on these specs and would like to see other examples. Is anyone here writing or consuming Arazzo specs?
I have a project I work on every now and then that consumes arazzo specs: Essentially its an executor for Arazzo
Thanks for sharing, I'll try the runner. Are you also writing the Arazzo spec for the target service?
I’ve been working on a few specs, but the lack of runners makes it a chicken egg problem.
I also have a WIP attempt to implement Rule 110 in Arazzo!
I am experimenting with using such specs to generate documentation from it, like guides etc.